Panel on Youth Violence
Posted: 4/9/2018 (CSDE Seminar Series)
“Social Disadvantage, Cognitive Schemas, and Propensities to Violence: An Evolutionary Developmental Perspective” — Callie Burt
“Youth and Gun Violence: Can We Save Lives?” — Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
“Risk and protective factors, and effective prevention programs for youth violence: Next Steps” — Richard Catalano, Jr
Callie Burt‘s research interests include children, youth, and families; criminology, deviance, and social control; health disparities; life course; race and ethnicity; social psychology; social stratification/inequality; and biopsychosociology.
Dr. Ali Rowhani-Rahbar joined the faculty of the University of Washington in 2012. His substantive area of research is violence epidemiology with a focus on trauma-crime nexus to inform interventions that promote healing and prevent recidivism. He investigates violence victimization and perpetration with an integrated public health and public safety approach. He has been involved in studies of violent injury and crime before and after firearm-related hospitalization, interventions to promote safe gun storage, firearm access in relation to mental illness, and influences of policies on firearm injury. He is currently the Principal Investigator of a cluster randomized trial of a dual hospital-based and community-based intervention to improve the health and well-being of gunshot wound victims. He has served on the American College of Emergency Physicians Technical Advisory Group on Firearm Violence Research, and the Firearms Subcommittee of Washington State Safer Homes Task Force for Suicide Prevention. Methodologically, he has contributed to the field of injury prevention and control by examining the epidemiology of traumatic brain injury, drowning, burns, adverse events following medical interventions, and a number of other traumatic outcomes. Dr. Rowhani-Rahbar is a Core Investigator, the Leader of the Violence Prevention Section, and the Director of the Research Methods Core at the Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center. He is also an Affiliate Investigator at Seattle Children’s Research Institute and an editor for the journal Injury Prevention.
Dr. Richard F. Catalano is Professor and the Director of the Social Development Research Group at the University of Washington’s School of Social Work and adjunct Professor of Education and Sociology. For over 25 years, he has led research focused on discovering risk and protective factors for positive and problem behavior, designing and evaluating programs to address these factors, using this knowledge on etiology and efficacy to understand and improve prevention services systems. He is the co-developer of the Social Development Model, a theory of antisocial behavior. He is also the co-developer of the parenting programs “Guiding Good Choices,” “Supporting School Success,” and “Parents Who Care,” of the school-based program, “Raising Healthy Children,” and of the community prevention approach, ‘Communities That Care.’ He has published over 200 articles and book chapters. His work has been recognized by practitioners (1996 National Prevention Network’s Award of Excellence); criminologists (2007 August Vollmer Award by the American Society of Criminology, 2003 Paul Tappan Award from the Western Society of Criminology, and Fellow of the Academy of Experimental Criminology); and prevention scientists (2001 Prevention Science Award from the Society for Prevention Research).
Date: 04/13/2018
Time: 12:30-1:30 PM
Location: 121 Raitt Hall