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PhD-level Researcher in Policing Research and Investigative Science, RTI International

Posted: 8/19/2020 (Employment)

RTI’s Center for Policing Research and Investigative Science (CPRIS) is recruiting a PhD-level Researcher who will lead and support high impact, innovative, and applied research projects that contribute to an evidence base in policing. This position will promote the value of evidence-based
research to state and local law enforcement agencies, as well as lead and coordinate outreach efforts with national policing organizations in establishing key foundations around data-driven and evidence-based
policing. The proven ability to design, implement, and carryout effective research project designs, including randomized controlled trials, will be prioritized. In addition, demonstrated experience in developing and carrying out research focused on strengthening police-community partnerships and racial equity in the criminal justice system are areas of high interest for the position.

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Location: Research Triangle Park, NC / Waltham, MA / Chicago, IL / Washington, DC