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Lessons from DesInventar – A Critical Look at the Performance of Disaster Databases (Population Dynamics and Environmental Change Seminar Series, 2/23/18)

Posted: 2/12/2018 (Local Events)

Pop Dynamics and Environmental Change

A monthly seminar series exploring the links between people and their environments, in our fast changing global landscape. Co-sponsored by the Population Council, the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) at Columbia University, the CUNY Institute for Demographic Research (CIDR), and the UN Population Division. This seminar series will feature key experts from the fields of demography, climate and public health sharing insights on their interdisciplinary work to measure and solve climate related challenges.

Join us for our first seminar on Friday February 23, 1:00–2:30 pm

Title: “Lessons from DesInventar: A Critical Look at the Performance of Disaster Databases”
Authors/Presenters: Mark R. Montgomery and Samir Souidi

The need for systematic data for understanding and measuring the social and economic consequences of disasters is a  central theme in the Sustainable Development Goals. Since the 1990s, the DesInventar initiative has offered a unique database built primarily on media reports that make it possible to pinpoint exactly when and where disasters occur. Using DesInventar databases from Mexico, Peru,  Madagascar, Mozambique, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka, the seminar will take a critical look at the performance of media reports as indicators of four types of local disasters: floods, landslides, drought, and earthquakes.

Population Council
One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
Floor 3
New York, NY 10017


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Date: 02/23/2018

Time: 1:00-2:30 PM

Location: Population Council, New York, NY