Postdoctoral Researcher, Health Data at Scale Collaboratory (UC San Diego)
Posted: 7/14/2020 (Employment)
We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher with specialization in data science, geographic, and statistical methods, as well as domain knowledge in public health applications. The research fellow will work with PIs Marta Jankowska, Tarik Benmarhnia, and Loki Natarajan at UCSD. The primary project seeks to develop methods for understanding minute-level predictors of physical activity, sleep, eating behaviors or metabolic related diseases as influenced by environmental contextual factors such as green spaces, noise, or air pollution in a longitudinal randomized control trial. Additional projects focus on advanced methods for dynamic environmental exposure estimation using GPS and accelerometer sensors, novel environmental measures through use of machine learning as applied to satellite imagery, and complex data integration.
Applicants should possess a Ph.D. in a quantitative field such as Environmental Health, GIScience, Computer Science, Epidemiology or Biostatistics with ample experience working with large and complex data sets in a programming language such as R or Python. Excellent scientific writing, strong oral communication skills, and ability to collaborate with colleagues from different disciplines is required. Review of applications will begin August 1st, 2020 with flexible start date (preferred by September 1st). Submit CV, cover letter describing research interests, 2-3 samples of scholarly writing (published, under review, or in preparation), and contact information for two references to Marta Jankowska (
Location: UC San Diego