Poverty Tracker Data Training Workshop
Posted: 1/17/2017 (Conference)
The first annual Poverty Tracker Data Training Workshop will be held at Columbia University in New York City on May 18-19, 2017. The workshop is designed to familiarize participants with the data available in the New York City Longitudinal Survey of Well-being, a repeated panel study which is conducted by the Columbia Population Research Center and which tracks the dynamics of poverty, hardship, and well-being among representative samples of New York City residents.
The 2017 workshop will include an introduction to the Poverty Tracker data, hands-on sessions for scholars to work with the data, introduction to sensitive data elements and associated data access policies, and other topics. The workshop is targeted toward early- and mid-career scholars from social science disciplines. Underrepresented scholars are strongly encouraged to apply. Applicants must possess basic quantitative data analysis skills. Approximately 25-30 applicants will be selected. Accepted out-of-town candidates will receive travel support.
Additional information about the Poverty Tracker is available at http://povertytracker.robinhood.org/#home. The online application is available below.
The deadline for application submission is Tuesday, February 21, 2017, at 5:00pm (EST).
Date: 05/18/2017
Deadline: 02/21/2017
Location: Columbia University