Trainees Request Your CSDE Certificate Award Now!
Posted: 5/25/2020 (CSDE Awards)
If you a graduate student who has completed all of the requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Demographic Methods, it is not too late to submit your documentation to receive your certificate.
- Please follow the instructions on the CSDE webpage for requesting the certificate.
- Upload your documentation to this link
You may receive the certificate even if you have not yet applied to the Graduate Certificate Program. You can be admitted into the program and awarded the certificate at the same time! Please submit your documentation asap but no later than May 29 by noon.
You will need to work with the Graduate Program Advisor (GPA) of your graduate program so fill out the form as soon as you can. Your unit’s GPA will need time to do a credit audit to confirm that the overlap of credits between the Certificate Program and your graduate program, or degree track or specialization, does not exceed 6 credits and is limited to electives. If your GPA needs more time to audit your credits please contact Aimée Dechter asap (
The Certificate Program’s required courses consist of 14 credit hours in core demography. The program requires an additional 2 elective courses (a minimum of 6 credit hours) that may be selected from a broad range of disciplines. Review the curriculum requirements and rules here.
If you plan to graduate in 2020 and will complete all the requirements at the end of this quarter, you can be included in the June 5th CSDE end of year event during the CSDE seminar time slot by submitting preliminary documentation now, and updating the documentation after you have received credit for the course(s). The formal Graduate School certificate will appear on your transcript after you complete the requirements and submit the updated documentation.
ADDITIONALLY: Please fill out this 5-minute survey ASAP for all CSDE students so that CSDE can update CSDE records necessary for reporting to NIH and the Deans, and to gather good news to celebrate you at the end of year celebration June 5th.
Deadline: 05/29/2020