Review by Huh and Colleagues Critically Discusses Best Practices for Reporting Count Outcomes In Alcohol Intervention Research
Posted: 12/7/2023 (CSDE Research)

CSDE Affiliate Dr. David Huh (Social Work) published research with co-authors in Alcohol Clinical & Experimental Research, titled “The selection of statistical models for reporting count outcomes and intervention effects in brief alcohol intervention trials: A review and recommendations”. Understanding the efficacy and relative effectiveness of a brief alcohol intervention (BAI) relies on obtaining a credible intervention effect estimate. Outcomes in BAI trials are often count variables, such as the number of drinks consumed, which may be overdispersed and zero-inflated. Ignoring such distribution characteristics can lead to biased estimates and invalid statistical conclusions. In this critical review, the authors identified and reviewed 64 papers that reported count outcomes from a systematic review of BAI trials for adolescents and young adults from 2013 to 2018.
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