RSF Call for Papers: Suburban Inequality in the United States
Posted: 9/28/2020 (Conference)
Call for Papers: RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, Suburban Inequality In The United States, Edited by R. L’Heureux , Lewis-McCoy, New York University, Stephen A. Matthews, Penn State University and Natasha Warikoo, Tufts University.
Please click here for a full description of the topics covered in this call for articles.
Anticipated Timeline: Prospective contributors should submit a CV and an abstract (up to two pages in length, single or double spaced) of their study along with up to two pages of supporting material (e.g., tables, figures, pictures, etc.) no later than 5 PM EST on December 7, 2020 to: Allow 2 days to set up an account if you don’t already have one.
Deadline: 12/07/2020