Ruanne Barnabas Featured in Multiple News Sources on Hydroxychloroquine Study
Posted: 5/25/2020 (CSDE in the News and CSDE Research)
CSDE Affiliate Ruanne Barnabas is leading a study on hydroxychloroquine and whether the drug can protect people from COVID-19 infection—this study is funded by the The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the British government, and other donors to accelerate development of COVID-19 treatments. With the recent publicity on hydroxychloroquine, multiple news sources are featuring Barnabas’ expertise on the drug’s effectiveness and the status of clinical trial enrollment for the study. In a Seattle Times article, Barnabas explains how volunteers for clinical trial enrollment has fallen in recent weeks, yet researchers still “need an adequate number of people to enroll to know what [hydroxychloroquine’s] effectiveness is with confidence.”
Barnabas was featured in NPR, KOMO News, The Daily of UW, and another Seattle Times article.