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Spring Course Announcement: Statistical Demography and Data Science (CSSS/STAT/SOC 563)

Posted: 2/21/2020 ()

Calling all demography students! In Spring 2020, CSDE Affiliate Adrian Raftery is offering Statistical Demography and Data Science (CSSS/STAT/SOC 563). Raftery will cover statistical methods and models for estimating and forecasting population quantities and as well as a variety of innovative topics, including probabilistic population projections and Bayesian hierarchical models. Preerequisites for this course include a good grounding in basic probability and statistics, some exposure to mathematical statistics, and basic mathematics including basic calculus and matrix algebra. CSDE encourages demography students to take advantage of this opportunity to learn core and cutting-edge statistical methods in demography from a world leader in this area. Click the link below for a flyer with more information!



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