Spring Research Seminar: GEOG 543 Topics in Immigration, Ethnicity, and Race, Prof. Mark Ellis
Posted: 3/4/2019 (Local Events)
I am teaching Geog 543: Research Seminar: Topics in Immigration, Ethnicity, and Race in Spring 2019. The topic will be (im)migration and labor markets/employment, with most of the readings oriented to the US context.
Likely topics:
- Why people move for work and where they go
- Who moves for work (and who doesn’t) i.e. (im)migration as a selective process
- Spatial divisions of immigrant and US-born labor at destination
- Occupational niching
- Relations between occupational niching and residential clustering/segregation of groups
- Effects of (im)migration on resident populations
- (Im)migration policies and labor markets
- Immigrant dispersion within the US and labor market/industrial restructuring
- Tied to the above, the growth of local and state immigration policies and their effects on new immigrant settlement and the secondary migration of immigrants within the country
There is a rich literature on all of these topics and I intend to have us read some classics and excellent new work in geography, sociology, history and economics. This subject and its literature has been at the core of my research agenda for many years and I keep being drawn back to it even when new projects pull me in different directions. A good deal of the class will examine the above topics from the perspective of immigration but I am a strong believer in the symbiotic relationships between internal and international migration and that it makes sense to conceive of migrant labor in terms of a unified system of labor exchange occuring between AND within states.