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UW VP for Research Announces Planning for Phase 1 Return

Posted: 5/10/2020 (Demography News)

VP for Research Mary Lidstrom announced on May 7, 2020 that research programs and centers can start to plan for a Phase 1 return. Most types of in-person research will be allowed in Phase 1, subject to a set of requirements outlined below. They expect a very gradual and thoughtful increase in the number of UW personnel carrying out in-person research. In addition, restrictions on research subject to human subjects restrictions, on fieldwork (link coming soon), and on research requiring travel will also be in place. Be sure to consult the UW’s Novel coronavirus & COVID-19: facts and resources webpage as it contains important information for everyone in the UW community. Remember, it is still the case that no one can be pressured to carry out on-site research if they are concerned about their safety, the safety of others, or if they have home-care obligations. Your HR representative can help you with any difficult situations in that regard.