Population Research Discovery Seminars

Immigrant Policy Exclusions and the Health of Latinx and Asian Immigrants in California
Maria-Elena Young, Public Health, University of California, Merced
Register HERE.
12:30-1:30 PM PT
101 Hans Rosling Center
This talk will present findings from the Research on Immigrant Health and State Policy (RIGHTS) Study which sought to assess the health impact of Latinx and Asian immigrants’ direct encounters with exclusionary immigrant policies. Through a novel, population-based survey and latent class analysis, Young shows the patterns of policy exclusions experienced across within sample of Latinx and Asian immigrants in California and how clusters of exclusionary experiences are associated with health care access and health status. The findings show that over half of immigrants in California have had direct encounters with exclusionary policies and that exclusionary labor and enforcement experiences are most likely to be associated with barriers to health care and poor health.
Maria-Elena Young is an Assistant Professor of Public Health at the University of California, Merced. Her research seeks to understand the health implications of the US immigration system.