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CSDE Seminar Series

Population Research Discovery Seminars

CANCELLED: Life Expectancy and Health Expectancy in the 21st Century: The Inconceivable, the Unthinkable, and the Unknowable

Eileen Crimmins, School of Gerontology, University of Southern California

12:30-1:30 PM PT


UW Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation

UW Population Health Initiative

Unfortunately this seminar in cancelled. Please join us on March 13 for our Winter Quarter Lightning Talk Poster Series.

Eileen Crimmins will present “Life Expectancy and Health in the 21st Century: the Inconceivable, the Unthinkable, and the Unknowable,” a dress rehearsal for the PAA Presidential Address she will deliver in April. The talk will touch on contemporary problems in the United States and dealing with uncertainty. 

Eileen Crimmins is the AARP Professor of Gerontology at the University of Southern California and the current President of the Population Association of America. Much of her work has focused on changes in health and mortality over time. She conceptualizes population health broadly to include life expectancy, disability, and biological markers of health risks. Crimmins’ work has been on the leading edge of integrating biomarkers into population studies and identifying the long-lasting impacts of early life health experiences.  

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