This is an introduction to basic graphing with R’s ggplot package. ggplot is one of the most commonly used packages for graphing in R and offers considerable flexibility for creating graphs that are journal- and presentation-ready. In this workshop, we will be discussing basic tips for creating visualizations, how to graph basic bar and lineplots in R, how to customize the design of those graphs, and how to graph in R even if your data is not being analyzed in R.
Missed the workshop? The recording is available here
Prerequisites |
Basic familiarity with R desired but not required. R Studio must be pre-installed on your computer (it is free and downloadable online: https://rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/). |
Materials |
Additional Resources |
Recording of Workshop (available until 2/15/2021, contact Christine Leibbrand (cleibb@uw.edu) if you would like the recording after this time): https://washington.zoom.us/rec/share/QWzMOjLC7b1JfvnzFzVlJnEqP10UJybaLLpB6AWc5Gu4s0X-F7s76vagwv-D66KU.liHQ66N_7-2u2_Pi?startTime=1605722045000 |