Fussell, Curran, Dunbar, Babb, Meijer-Irons Collaborate for Weather and Populations Study
Posted: 1/9/2017 (CSDE Research)
A number of CSDE researchers banded together for a study on how extreme weather can impact population growth. The team included Elizabeth Fussell (former CSDE Affiliate), Sara Curran (CSDE Director and UW Professor of International Studies and Public Policy), Matthew Dunbar (CSDE Assistant Director), Michael Babb (former CSDE Fellow), and Jacqueline Meijer-Irons (CSDE Demographic Research Scientist).
According to the study, hurricanes and tropical storms affect future population growth only in counties with growing, high-density populations. There, current year hurricane events and related losses suppress future population growth, although cumulative hurricane-related losses actually elevate population growth. Read the full report below for an explanation of these seemingly contradictory findings.