Baynes and Sherr Publishes Novel Research on Self-Administered Injectable Contraception in Health Systems
Posted: 9/8/2023 (CSDE Research)
CSDE Alum Colin Baynes and CSDE Affiliate Kenneth Sherr, along with co-authors, has recently published new research in JMIR Publications entitled, “Enhancing the Introduction and Scale Up of Self-Administered Injectable Contraception (DMPA-SC) in Health Systems (the EASIER Project): Protocol for Embedded Implementation Research”. The introduction of self-administered injectable contraception presents an opportunity to address the unmet need for family planning. As ministries of health scale up self-administered injectable contraception, there is a scarcity of knowledge on the implementation practices and contextual conditions that help and hinder these efforts.
The Easier Project has been launched in Burkina Faso, Ghana, and Kenya and presents a strategy to embed implementation research in contraceptive method introduction and scale-up, address local knowledge needs, devise ways to maximize the impact of new technologies in health systems, and build capacity for using evidence in programmatic decisions. Wonderful work, Dr. Sherr!