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Somashekhar, Hess, Kennedy, and Crowder Publish Paper in Socius

Posted: 8/8/2024 (CSDE Research)

CSDE Affiliates Mahesh Somashekhar, Chris Hess, Ian Kennedy, and Kyle Crowder recently published article in Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World examines how real estate owners use home security discourse to affect property values. In “How Do Real Estate Actors Advertise in Mixed-Income Neighborhoods? The Importance of Home Security,” they discuss the history and current state of housing advertisements and how it impacts U.S. neighborhoods. Historically, then real estate industry emphasized privacy and exclusion in their property listings, which helped entrench patterns of residential segregation. However, recently some neighborhoods are becoming more rather than less diverse, as indicated by the growing number of mixed-income neighborhoods. The authors sought to investigate whether this increase in diversity means that advertisers are cutting back on their “exclusionary rhetoric when marketing homes in mixed-income communities?” To answer this question, the authors analyze over one million Craigslist rental listings posted in the 100 largest U.S. metropolitan areas in July and August of 2019.
