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CSDE Linux resources page

In order to access CSDE’s Linux resources, you must first apply for a CSDE Account.

You can request a Linux account when applying for a CSDE Computing account here.

For more information on acquiring a CSDE Computing account, or adding access to your existing account, see here:
Computing Accounts

Connecting to the Linux/Unix systems:
Connecting to Unix Servers
Our Systems

Dissemination/Shiny data dashboards

UW Jupyter HUB for Teaching

Current UW Students may gain access to the “stf” partition in Hyak and some cloud services via this club:
UW Research Computing Club

CSDE Linux systems are for student project use and not supported for instructional use

*Introduction to the Unix Shell

For other help with Data Science and possibly cloud credits for eScience:
Washington Research Foundation (WRF) Data Science Studio