Call for Papers: Journal of Population Research Special Issue – Administrative Data, Immigration, and Migration
Posted: 7/5/2017 (Conference)
A big, administrative, data revolution is underway in many parts of the world. As only one example of this, consider that Austria, Germany, Israel, Singapore, and Switzerland either fully or partly replaced traditional enumerations with administrative versions in their most recent headcounts. Countless other countries have, or are about to, investigate the plausibility of moving towards administrative censuses in the near future. Defined as data collected for regulatory (rather than research) purposes, administrative data gives researchers the ability to access an array of education, health, tax, and even financial transaction records. Administrative data is a frontier for learning more about populations within and across countries.
For this special issue of the Journal of Population Research, we invite papers that involve the use of administrative data to study immigration and migration. In their papers, authors should describe the data they use, present innovation results from these data, and show how these new data advance the knowledge base.
Please note that the purpose of the special issue is not to discuss the ethical and privacy implications of administrative data. Authors might inevitably touch on this question, but the issue’s primary goal is to provide a space for social scientists to showcase the work they are doing with administrative data sources.
Notes for Prospective Authors
Papers for this special issue will be assessed in a two-step process. First, interested authors should submit an abstract to the guest editor for consideration. Only successful authors will be asked for a full manuscript. These papers should not have been previously published nor currently be under consideration for publication elsewhere, as they will undergo a peer-review process. An invitation to submit a full paper to the Journal of Population Research is not a guarantee of acceptance.
Important Dates
Abstracts are requested from interested parties by July 15 and the editor will then invite for a full paper with final manuscripts expected no later than September 30.
Editors and Notes
Please email your abstracts to or
Deadline: 07/15/2017