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CSDE News & Events

Computational Demography Working Group (CDWG) Autumn 2022 Schedule

Posted: 10/3/2022 (Demography News)

The Computational Demography Working Group (CDWG) at the University of Washington meets weekly to provide an interdisciplinary forum for discussions of digital and computational approaches to demographic research. The workshop features a range of paper presentations, methods demonstrations, software tutorials and professional development. The CDWG is sponsored by the Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology (CSDE), the eScience Institute and OBSSR T32 Grant #1T32HD101442-01. We welcome anyone with interest in computational demography (broadly defined).This Fall we will split CDWG between Brown Bag (sign up link above) with open sign up/proposal for research presentation, discussion topic or workshop and invited talks.

The CDWG is coordinated by Zack Almquist, Associate Professor of Sociology and CSDE Training Core PI. If you’d like to reach out or participate please utilize the links below!

Date/Time: 3:00-4:00PM Wednesdays

Location: Hybrid (Zoom) and Raitt 223 (Demography Lab)

G-Calendar []

Zoom []

Brown Bag Signup: []

