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*New* NIH Announces Funding Opportunities Around Health Disparities and Diversity

Posted: 11/23/2020 (Funding)

Three new NIH funding announcements were published last week related to addressing health disparities among immigrant populations. In the first, NIH is seeking applications that examine the etiology of health disparities and health advantages among immigrant populations.  In the second, NIH is seeking applications that address health disparities among immigrant through effective interventions.  In the third, NIH is seeking applications for research supplements to promote diversity in health-related research. CSDE is always happy to help you in the preparation of your applications – whether that is with scientific consultations or pre-award proposal support, which includes budget preparation, all ancillary materials, management of submission, and experienced reviewers for providing feedback on your narrative. Contact Scott Kelly, Sara Curran, Steve Goodreau, or Belinda Sachs with any questions.