The Drivers, Dynamics and Effects of Sexual and Reproductive Lawfare: Cross Regional Perspectives (Talk and Q&A, 10/10/18)
Posted: 10/5/2018 (Local Events)
The Department of Political Science and the Law, Societies and Justice Department invites you to join us for a talk and Q&A.
Wednesday, October 10, 12-1:30pm, Olson Room (Gowen Hall 1A, basement)
Professor Siri Gloppen
Professor, Director, Centre on Law & Social Transformation
Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen, Norway
Sexual and Reproductive Rights are lightning-rods of controversy in most societies. Political polarization has been particularly pronounced with regard to abortion rights and rights of sexual minorities (LGBTIQ – lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer – persons), but is also evident in issues such as the regulation of contraception, sterilization and adultery, divorce, sexual education and stem cell research. What is particularly pertinent is the growing judicialization of sexual and reproductive rights around the world. At the domestic and international level, courts have emerged as central arenas in these political-moral battles; and not only to further rights but also to limit them. The proposed project aims to understand the nature, causes and, particularly, the consequences of such lawfare, which we define as diverse and intentional strategies adopted by civil society actors that seek to engage legal institutions in order to further or halt policy reform and social change.
Professor Gloppen is also available to discuss current and recent projects of the Centre including: political determinants of reproductive health in Africa; elevating water rights to human rights; Breaking BAD: backlash against democracy in Africa; women on the judicial bench in fragile states; political economy of indigenous people’s rights in India; and LawTransform a graduate training model that promotes research based teaching on law and social transformation.
Date: 10/10/2018
Time: 12:00-1:30 PM
Location: Gowen Hall 1A, basement