CSDE Biomarker Working Group
Posted: 2/12/2018 ()
For those interested in using biological data in social and behavioral science research, consider joining our working group. We aim to provide a venue for informal discussions of practical and theoretical issues associated with collecting and using biomarker data, and to offer opportunities to discuss early-stage research ideas or present preliminary results. This working group is open to all students, faculty, and staff. All meetings are from 12:30 – 2pm in 114 Raitt Hall. Please contact organizer Ellie Brindle (ebrindle@uw.edu) for more information.
Upcoming Biomarker Working Group Meetings:
Thurs Feb 22: Biomarkers of Immune Function
Thurs March 15: Butch de Castro, Professor and Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, UW School of Nursing
Thurs April 19: Noah Snyder-Mackler, Asst Professor, UW Dept of Psychology
Thurs May 17: Ben Trumble, Asst Professor (and CSDE alum), School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University
Thurs June 7 (tentative): topic TBA
Those who would like to receive regular meeting announcements may subscribe to the mailing list here: http://mailman.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/biomarker_group