About the Post-Seminar Discussion
CSDE Trainees & Fellows are encouraged to meet with CSDE Seminar speakers from external institutions one-on-one and in the Post-Seminar Graduate Student Discussion directly following the talk. The discussion is an informal opportunity to learn more about the speaker’s professional experiences and research, as well as to ask for professional or research advice. When the speaker is able to attend the Discussion in person, lunch will also be served. Each discussion is facilitated by a CSDE Trainee or Fellow whose research is in a similar area as the speaker.
Facilitating the Post-Seminar Graduate Student Discussion
- Contact the speaker via email.
- Timeline: 1-2 Weeks before the Seminar
- Details: Introduce yourself as a CSDE Trainee, mention your department, and briefly mention your research. Let them know the group discussion will occur directly following seminar and is an opportunity for students to ask about more their research and learn about their career trajectory. Ask them if there any professional topics they would like to discuss. This will set the stage for a more interesting and informative seminar based on the strengths of the speaker or knowledge the speaker can provide that will be different from information provided by other speakers. This contact also provides an opportunity to strengthen the networking benefits of serving as a moderator.
- Make the flyer.
- Timeline: 1 Week before the Seminar
- Details: Prepare a flyer from the provided template inviting students to participate in the post-seminar discussion. Email the flyer to the Training Director to be edited and circulated to CSDE Trainees & Fellows.
- Collect RSVPs.
- Timeline: Week of the Seminar
- Details: Collect RSVPs via email. When lunch is being served, be sure to collect everyone’s dietary restrictions and preferences.
- 2 Days before the Seminar: If fewer than four students have RSVPed by mid-day Wednesday, coordinate with the Training Director to recruit individual CSDE Trainees & Fellows.
- 1 Day before the Seminar: By 12pm the day before the seminar, report the number of students who will attend in-person and any dietary restrictions or preferences to the Program Coordinator & Training Director that they may order the food.
- Facilitate the discussion.
- Timeline: Directly following the Seminar Q&A.
- Details: Begin by introducing yourself to the speaker and the group, and make sure everyone knows the discussion is an opportunity for all students to ask questions and get to know the speaker and their work. Have the other CSDE Trainees & Fellows introduce themselves, their departments, and their research areas. Initiate the discussion. Come prepared with a few questions and topics to guide or redirect discussion and to fill in lulls in conversation.