Panel: Policy Analytics and Population Health
Posted: 10/12/2020 (CSDE Seminar Series)
This week, CSDE’s seminar is a panel discussion about policy analytics and population health. The COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters have revealed major underlying policy challenges for addressing underlying systemic shortcomings related to population health. Policy analytics acknowledges the complexities of the policy domain and offers some new ways to innovate around population health solutions. This week’s panel includes UW researchers from political science, health metrics, and environmental and occupational health. CSDE Affiliate and Executive Committee Member Professor Anjum Hajat will moderate the panel. Here is the line-up for this week:
Chris Adolph & Beatrice Magistro will present “Pandemic Politics: Understanding State-Level Social Distancing Policies and Mask Mandates in Response to COVID-19″
Ali Mokdad will present “IHME COVID-19 Model: Strategies to Control the Pandemic”
Nicole Errett, Scott Miles & Youngjun Choe will present “Integrating Physical Activity Data in Disaster Recovery Planning and Implementation”
Register for the Zoom seminar here.
Date: 10/16/2020
Time: 12.30PM - 1.30PM
Location: Virtual via Zoom