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*New* James S. McDonnell Foundation – Understanding Human Cognition Awards [Due 04-09-2021]

Posted: 2/22/2021 (Funding)

Applications are open for the James S. McDonnell Foundation’s 2021 grant program ($250k in seed funding over a flexible time period (2-4 years). Proposals are due Friday, April 9, 2021. This program aims to support projects leading to new conceptual and empirical studies of cognition and behavior that recognize the dynamic nature of cognition and behavior, are situated in real world contexts, cross levels of analysis, unite traditionally separate domains of inquiry (e.g. vision and speech), embrace complexity, and consider how behavior is influenced by interactions among individuals. Priority will be given to applicants requesting funds to support collaboration or to obtain training that allows new theories and new tools to alter the conduct of ongoing research, to provide a researcher with supported time while acquiring the new skills and knowledge to alter future research design, to pilot or test novel experimental approaches and to allow laboratories primarily using artificial laboratory constrained tasks to explore behavioral studies with more natural free flowing behaviors, to refine and extend the temporal dimension of data acquisition allowing for more dynamic assessments of how behavior unfolds over time and to diversify and expand study populations. Application instructions can be found at the  Foundation’s website. If you’re considering applying please feel free to reach out to CAS Corporate & Foundation Relations for support. CSDE is always happy to help you in the preparation of your applications – whether that is with scientific consultations or pre-award proposal support, which includes budget preparation, all ancillary materials, management of submission, and experienced reviewers for providing feedback on your narrative. Contact Scott Kelly, Sara Curran, Steve Goodreau, or Belinda Sachs with any questions.