submitted: 2023-09-19 10:28
Improving Washington State Crash Reporting Systems for Micro-mobility Research
- Epidemiology, University of Washington - Seattle
Non CSDE Affiliate Co-PI(S):
Angela Kitali
Tier 1: in kind services only
Total funding request: $0.00
Grant Essentials
PRA Alignment: Health of People and Populations
Primary mechanism for this application: PHI Tier 1
Due date for primary mechanism:10/02/2023
Narrative w/ Budget:
Application Materials:
Applicant Comments
(Sorry if this came through twice — the page appeared to have hung the first time I tried to submit)
First, acknowledgment that materials here are still rough — please let me know if you need them to be more solid before you can write a letter of matching support.
Second, our request for matching support would be an in-kind match for up to 16 hours of consulting time from Phil Hurvitz as we consider the data quality for micromobility crash location data available in the TRIP dataset. Phil’s expertise is vital because he’s awesome, but also because he’ll see what we’re not seeing in data quality and that can be used to improve crash data reporting going forward.
Finally, we are not requesting file share hosting for the database as part of this grant because CSDE is already hosting our copy of the TRIP database for a related project funded by the Washington State Traffic Safety Commission. If it is appropriate to include that fact in a letter confirming matching funds, please feel free to.
Thank you!
Steve M
Funding Decision
Decision Date: 09/22/2023
Award Tier: Tier 0: non-standard award
Response Letter:
Addtional Response Notes:
award was for matching support for Phil Hurvitz’s time. Alas, Phil then announced he was leaving CSDE….