Assistant Professor of Sociology, Social Demography
Posted: 9/16/2018 (Employment)
The Sociology Department is comprised of thirteen full-time faculty engaged in a wide range of research activities who often involve undergraduate students in their research. The Center for Social Science Instruction is housed within the Department and provides assistance to faculty and students with computing and statistical analysis. The Department also maintains a significant international focus and has sponsored a number of faculty-led study abroad programs. The Sociology Department supports Western’s mission to bring together individuals for diverse backgrounds and perspectives in an inclusive, student-centered university that develops the potential of learners and the well-being of communities, and encourages applications from diverse candidates. The Department does not offer a master’s degree. For more information about the Department, please see
About the Position
- Teach undergraduate courses within the department’s existing curriculum
- Develop new courses in the candidate’s area of expertise within the field of social demography, broadly defined
- Ability and willingness to teach Department’s core courses in statistics and research methods
- Participation in curricular planning of the Department’s Bachelors of Science in Sociology degree
- Fulfill teaching responsibilities in ways that provide equitable and inclusive learning environments for all students
- Active engagement in scholarship, including scholarly publications
- Active participation in service activities within the Department, University, and discipline
Location: Western Washington University