Associate Director – Spatial Structures in the Social Sciences
Posted: 3/13/2018 (Employment)
Brown University announces a search for the position of Associate Director of the research initiative on Spatial Structures in the Social Sciences. More information on the program is available at This is a 10-month per year position, with potential for salary during summer from external grants, beginning September 1, 2018.
The Associate Director will participate in scholarly program development and training across multiple disciplines. The individual will have primary responsibility for coordination of a series of colloquia, workshops and clinics designed to introduce faculty and students to tools of spatial analysis. The Associate Director will teach two courses per year including Introduction to GIS and will lead the S4 Fellows program for doctoral students. Candidates should have a PhD in hand or firmly expected by September 2018 and should show promise of significant scholarship and ability to provide instruction in methods of spatial analysis.
The Associate Director will be appointed as Assistant Professor (Research) in the Population Studies and Training Center, and will have access to the considerable PSTC research infrastructure. Salary will be commensurate with experience and credentials.
Submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a copy of up to three publications or working papers, and names/contact information for three persons who can comment on qualifications for this position. Materials should be posted to Interfolio at:
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled but to guarantee full consideration a candidate should apply by April 10, 2018.
Location: Brown University