Associate Professor in Demography
Posted: 10/17/2016 (Employment)
There is an exciting opportunity for a full time Population Scientist to work as an Associate Professor in demography for 4 years at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. They are looking for an academic with relevant skills and a commitment to population research, for a post which offers a range of opportunities in research, teaching and management in the Population Studies Group. The successful candidate will be expected to build their own portfolio of research projects as well as having an opportunity to join other research projects undertaken by the group. She/he will supervise PhD and MSc students and teach on our two world leading MSc courses in Demography and Health, and Reproductive and Sexual Health Research, including Distance Learning versions of the courses taught face to face at the School.
Deadline: 11/28/2016
Location: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine