Call for Applications: 15th Migration Summer School – Bridging the gaps: Connecting Research, Public Debates and Policy-Making on Migration (Florence, 6/24-7/5/2019)
Posted: 2/15/2019 (Conference)
Call for Applications:
15th Migration Summer School: Bridging the gaps: connecting research, public debates and policy-making on migration
Florence, Italy, 24 June–5 July 2019
Deadline for applications: 24 March 2019
The Migration Policy Centre is now taking applications for the 2019 edition of the Migration Summer School, which will take place at the European University Institute in Florence (Italy) from 24th June – 5th July 2019. Applications are welcome from research and policy professionals to create an enriching mix of postgraduate students, civil servants, international organisation practitioners, NGO workers, journalists, policy analysts and teachers from around the world. The Migration Policy Centre has a long-standing experience in organising summer schools and executive trainings. It has been selected by the European Commission (DG DEVCO) to train civil servants in Brussels and in the EU Delegations worldwide. It coordinates the provision of training in the field of migration for the European University Institute’s new School of Transnational Governance.
Seven scholarships will be funded by the School of Transnational Governance on a merit basis. Scholarships will cover the fees, travel and accommodation and they will be awarded to outstanding candidates applying from low income economies in Africa and Asia.
For more information and details about the application process, please see the Migration Summer School page on the MPC website.
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Deadline: 03/24/2019
Location: Migration Policy Centre