Call for Papers: Matilda White Riley Honors Early Stage Investigator Paper Competition
Posted: 3/4/2019 (Conference)
Early Stage Investigator Paper Competition
The submission period is now open for the Early Stage Investigators (ESI, within 10 years of their terminal degree) paper competition. OBSSR will pay the travel expenses for up to four ESI honorees to present the findings from their accepted paper and participate in a moderated discussion of future research possibilities during the meeting. More information about the paper competition can be found at the link below. OBSSR encourages you to share this information with your grantees.
Save the Date for the 12th NIH Matilda White Riley Behavioral and Social Sciences Honors!
Thursday, June 6, 2019
8:00 am to 12 noon
NIH’s Main Campus – Wilson Hall, Building 1
A registration link will be provided soon.
The 2019 Matilda White Riley Distinguished Lecturer is Mark J. VanLandingham, Ph.D. Thomas C. Keller Professor Director, Center for Studies of Displaced Populations Tulane University.
Presentation Title: Culture and Resilience: Insights from the Vietnamese American community in post-Katrina New Orleans
Dr. Mark J. VanLandingham’s Biography:
Mark J. VanLandingham, PhD, is the Thomas C. Keller Professor at Tulane University. His research focuses on a wide array of topics related to demography, sociology, and public health. He has led recent major projects focusing on the antecedents and consequences of largescale rural-to-urban migration within Southeast Asia; and acculturation, health, and well-being among Vietnamese immigrants in the United States. One major project underway investigates Health and Demographic Disparities in Long-term Recovery from Hurricane Katrina (HDDR-HK), funded by a Program Award (P01) from NIH. He co-leads this team of researchers from Tulane, Harvard, NYU, Brown, and Michigan with Mary Waters and David Abramson. This project is based at Tulane’s new Center for Studies of Displaced Populations (CSDP), which he directs. An enduring interest is community resilience within immigrant communities, and he has a recent book on this topic published by the Russell Sage Foundation: Weathering Katrina (2017). Regarding teaching, he co-leads (with Katherine Andrinopoulos) the International Health and Development (IHD) Section and Program within the Department of Global Community Health and Behavioral Sciences in Tulane’s School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. For teaching and student mentoring, Dr. VanLandingham has recently received the school’s Teaching Excellence Award (2013) and the school’s award for Outstanding Long term Commitment to Student Needs (2018).
Deadline: 03/31/2019
Location: Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR), National Institutes of Health (NIH)