Call for Papers on Migration & Environment
Posted: 1/31/2017 (Conference)
Global climate change and other forms of environmental degradation are important sources of risk in today’s volatile world. Accordingly, research on the links between human migration and the natural environment has increased in quantity and quality in recent years. Many of the related issues impact rural people and places deeply. We are interested in bringing together papers on migration and environment in rural areas for a special organized session co-sponsored by the Population Research Interest Group (RIG) and the Natural Resources RIG at the RSS annual meeting this summer. We specifically want to invite our colleagues from multiple disciplinary (and inter/trans-disciplinary backgrounds) to join us, whether or not they regularly attend RSS. This is an interdisciplinary endeavor and the RSS in general invites participation from “a variety of rural practitioners and disciplines.”
Papers might be theoretical or conceptual, empirical (quantitative or qualitative), applied, or scenarios/futures based. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- impacts of climate and environmental stresses or shocks on migration
- impacts of migration on the environment
- environmental justice/equality issues related to migration
- causes and consequences of environmental amenity-based migration
- policy impacts and implications of environment-related migration
- methodological developments
- outcomes among environment-induced migrants
The session organizers will select papers that together well-represent this sub-field and provide a discussant. Some funding may be available to help support travel, particularly for international participants.
Please submit an abstract (350-500 words) that outlines the purpose and theoretical framing of the paper. If applicable, include methods and data used, and preliminary or expected findings. Abstracts due by midnight Sunday, February 12. Email to Brian Thiede at AND submit your paper directly to the Rural Sociological Society online below.
Date: 07/27/2017
Deadline: 02/12/2017
Location: Columbus, OH