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CSDE Welcomes Four New Affiliates!

Posted: 7/22/2022 (CSDE in the News)

CSDE’s Executive Committee is pleased to introduce four of our new UW Faculty Affiliates:

  • Theresa Rocha Beardall — Assistant Professor, Sociology. Dr. Rocha Beardall’s work examines how systems of law and agents of the state create and enforce various modes of state violence. Dr. Rocha Beardall’s past research has spanned from the legal construction of tribal sovereignty over time to policing at the intersection of race, class, and labor laws. Her new research draws from her theoretical contributions in both areas and addresses the intersection of sovereignty, policing, and inequality for American Indians.
  • Gregory Bratman Assistant Professor, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences; Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences. Dr. Bratman’s work takes both empirical and theoretical approaches to understand how nature experience impacts human mental well-being, specifically cognitive function, mood and emotion regulation, with an emphasis on people living in urban environments.
  • Jelani InceAssistant Professor, Sociology. Dr. Ince’s primary work uses qualitative methods to examine how and why racial inequality persists in the United States. One strand of his research explores how digital communities and social movement behavior shape public opinion and influence the political process. Specifically, this work examinines the Movement for Black Lives: the various tactics that actors use to disseminate information about movement activity and deploy frames for recruitment, inclusion, and resistance.
  • Monica KeithPostdoctoral Scholar, Department of Anthropology. Dr. Keith is an Anthropologist and Data Scientist who studies biocultural variation in longitudinal health and child growth. She uses Bayesian models to assess predictors of growth and health outcomes. Her research integrates health, socio-ecological, and genetic data to study human biological variation in diverse contexts.
