Deadline Extended for CSDE Predoctoral Fellowship
Posted: 12/5/2017 ()
CSDE’s fellowship program supports and prepares promising early researchers for careers that will have a significant impact on the field of demography. Each year, CSDE awards several distinguished fellowships for predoctoral funding and additional mentoring. CSDE is pleased to offer two 12-month fellowships supported by the Shanahan Foundation that begin mid-September 2018.
Students have until Monday, December 11 (by 5 PM) to complete the online component of the application, and submit a copy of the online component along with the rest of their application materials to their department’s graduate program administrator. The department should submit a cover letter and the most competitive applications to CSDE by Friday, December 29 (by 5 PM).
The “Call for Applications” and CSDE fellowship application website provide detailed information about the application process.