Experienced Research Coordinator/Data Manager
Posted: 11/9/2018 (Employment)
Job offer for an experienced Research coordinator/Data manager at Interface Demography
Department of Sociology, Interface Demography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Interface Demography seeks an experienced research fellow (postdoc or a minimum of 5 years of experience in a relevant academic field). The successful candidate will be expected to coordinate the activities of the Strategic Research Program of Interface Demography. This program was granted to ID as a recognized center of excellence by the university authorities for a period of at least 4 more years.
Function description
Together with a part-time technical support collaborator you will be responsible for coordinating the research program and supporting the research staff. Although a specific division of tasks can be discussed during the hiring process, we envisage the following:
- Management of the strategic research program: assuring that the actions described in our 5-year work program are realized, supporting the senior staff with the further development of the research group, organizing board meetings and maintaining communication with our expert committee and the university authorities;
- Public outreach: supporting our research staff with communicating and disseminating their research results to a wider audience, including press and policy makers;
- Data management: helping with data development, writing out formal data requests, compilation of datasets and appropriate indicators, watching over data security and supporting junior research staff on data-related questions;
- Coaching our junior PhD-students in close collaboration with their supervisor and the VUB-doctoral school.
About the research group
Interface Demography (ID – http://www.vub.ac.be/demography/) is the research unit for population studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. ID is part of the Department of Sociology and figures as a reference center for fundamental and applied demographic and population sociological research in Belgium. The strength of ID is its multidisciplinary and strong empirical approach to population research, which allows our unit to collaboratively tackle core social scientific research questions using concepts and approaches from demography, sociology, epidemiology, geography, history, and macroeconomics, while applying a wide range of quantitative and also qualitative empirical methods. The team consists of about 35 members, consisting of professors, senior and junior researchers.
Our main research lines relate to (1) changes in household formation and fertility, (2) health and mortality in an ageing society, (3) migration and ethnic minorities and (4) work-related determinants of health and well-being. (5) An additional and increasingly important research focus are urban dynamics related to the former topics – with special attention to the Brussels Capital Region. Much of the empirical work at ID is based on important data infrastructure that was developed and maintained at ID in collaboration with governmental institutes, including census and mortality registry data, social security data, and large population surveys.
The profile we are looking for
- Someone with a passion for scientific research who is prepared to invest efforts in research policy and management tasks;
- Holder of a PhD or/and a master degree with proven research experience in social sciences, demography, social epidemiology, population statistics, social health sciences or another relevant discipline;
- Strong skills and experience in quantitative social research methods, including manipulation and analysis of large-scale data sets and advanced statistical techniques;
- Good communication skills both in academic writing and in writing for a non-academic audience;
- Experience with project management or proven involvement in large research projects; strong organizational and management skills;
- Being fluent in English – as most communication occurs in English;
- Being able to speak Dutch will be considered an additional asset, although is not a necessity;
- Strong interpersonal and coaching skills; being a team player;
What we have to offer
Interface Demography is an excellent multidisciplinary research group with a friendly and collaborative working atmosphere. We believe that the positive work environment, the interesting interactions among colleagues and the work-related and social events are the most valuable things we can offer. Apart from that we offer:
- A full-time appointment of 4 years with remuneration in accordance with your academic degree and seniority;
- Gross monthly wage between € 4,000 and € 6,300 (depending on seniority and if appointed with a Phd-degree);
- Possibility for further prolongation of your contract after 4 years depending upon the successful evaluation of our research program;
- Full reimbursement of (public transport) commuting expenses in Belgium;
- Access to all university facilities, benefits and training programs for academic staff;
- A challenging job content with much potential for personal growth and (international) networking;
- A dynamic and high-quality research environment;
- Possibilities for developing and introducing your own ideas;
- Suggested starting date: 1 January 2019
Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Sciences and Solvay Business School,
Department of Sociology – Interface Demography, Pleinlaan 5, 1050 Brussels
How to apply?
E-mail a motivational letter and curriculum vitae before November 15th 2018 to:
Professor dr. Christophe Vanroelen
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Department of Sociology – Interface Demography
Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels
For further enquiries please contact Christophe Vanroelen by e-mail (cvroelen@vub.be) or phone (+32 2 6148125/+32 497 404828).
Additional information on the research group Interface Demography can be found on: http://www.vub.ac.be/demography
Deadline: 11/15/2018
Location: Interface Demography, Vrije Universiteit, Brussels