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CSDE News & Events

*MANY* Grant Opportunities for CSDE Affiliates

Posted: 6/9/2020 (Funding)

Recently, COSSA (the Consortium of Social Science Associations) compiled its monthly update on available grant opportunities.  There are many on the list that speak to the research programs of CSDE affiliates and trainees.  Take a look at the list of calls from the Department of Education, HUD, NSF-SBE, and NIH – NCCIH, NIMHD, NIA, NIMH, NIDA, NIGMS, NHLBI, OBSSR.  CSDE is always happy to help you with the science and computing elements of your proposal (Science Core), expert review feedback on narrative (Development Core), or the grant submission, itself (Administrative Core).  If you’d like that support, send a note to for preliminary discussions about support from one or more of our staff.  Or, if you are planning a submission through CSDE, send a note to CSDE’s grant portal with your notification.