National Poverty Fellows Postdoctoral Program
Posted: 9/26/2018 (Employment)
The National Poverty Fellows Program offers talented postdoctoral researchers an opportunity to participate in a federal government-university partnership. The goal of the program is both to build the capacity of researchers to conduct high-quality policy-relevant research on poverty and inequality in the United States and to contribute to the effective use of research and scientific knowledge in the formation of public policy. The fellowship is open to all postdoctoral scholars who are within six years of their degree. We are now accepting applications with positions beginning summer or fall of 2019.
The Institute for Research on Poverty is calling for applications for one postdoctoral fellow for 2019–2020 with an anticipated start date in mid-2019. The fellowship is for one year with the option of renewing for a second year.
Fellows will be in residence at Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation in the Administration for Children and Families (OPRE-ACF) at the Department of Health and Human Services in Washington, DC, and will receive mentorship from IRP faculty and researchers, conference support, the opportunity to come to IRP in Madison, WI as visiting scholars, and will be allotted time to continue their own research.
Please see the position description for more information.
Deadline: 11/28/2018
Location: Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin-Madison