NatureNet Postdoctoral Science Fellowship
Posted: 7/21/2018 (Employment)
Fellows identify and work with a Nature Conservancy mentor and a senior scholar (or scholars) from one of the NatureNet Partner Universities to develop a research program. Eligible individuals will not be employed as a postdoctoral student at the start of this fellowship. Applicants employed in non-postdoctoral positions that will continue into the fellowship period should address in their application how they will manage the responsibilities of both positions.
Each Fellow will receive a non-negotiable annual salary of $50,000 plus benefits and an annual research and travel budget of approximately $25,000.
University Partners (Full Postdoctoral Fellowship)
The program is run in partnership with universities that represent traditional and non-traditional disciplines relevant to conservation science. Applicants must identify one university as their home institution and may submit only one application, but are encouraged to suggest collaborations with additional universities and institutions. This year’s participating universities for the full fellowship are: the Institute at Brown University for Environment and Society; Columbia University’s Earth Institute*; Science for Nature and People Partnership; Stanford University; University of California – Los Angeles’s Institute for Environment and Sustainability; University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment, University of Virginia, and the University of Queensland.
* For those applying for a fellowship through Columbia University, this must be the first post-doc position you will hold.
Location: The Nature Conservancy