Reminder: Royalty Research Fund Proposals Due
Posted: 2/27/2017 (Funding)
Proposals for the Royalty Research Fund must be submitted to the Dean’s Office by Thursday, March 2, before 5:00 PM PT. Submission to the system itself is due on Monday, March 6, before 5:00 PM PT.
The purpose of the Royalty Research Fund (RRF) is to advance new directions in research, particularly:
- in disciplines for which external funding opportunities are minimal, and/or
- for faculty who are junior in rank, and/or
- in cases where funding may provide unique opportunities to increase applicants’ competitiveness for subsequent funding.
Proposals must demonstrate a high probability of generating important new creative activities or scholarly understandings, new scholarly materials or resources, significant data or information, or essential instrumentation resources that are likely to significantly advance the reputation of the university, lead to external funding, or lead to developing a new technology. (Note: RRF proposals must support faculty development; this fund is not intended to support independent research projects undertaken by graduate students and/or post-doctorates.)
More information is available below.
Deadline: 03/02/2017