Request for Proposals: Global Innovations for Character Development
Posted: 6/2/2018 (Funding)
1. Develop and evaluate novel approaches to fostering character strengths
2. Develop contextually appropriate scales for measuring character strengths
In a first-of-its-kind initiative, the Foundation seeks to develop a portfolio of scientific innovations to promote character development, through proof-of-concept and transition-to-scale awards.
Successful proposals will demonstrate a clear path to generating impact on individuals through demonstrable changes in knowledge, awareness and the practice of character strengths. They must include a rigorous evaluation methodology.
The Foundation is also offering an award of up to $1 million USD to scale up a character development innovation. This opportunity is open to innovations that have a peer-reviewed evidence base, and that are ready to achieve substantial impact through widespread implementation.
The Foundation conceives of character strengths as learned and learnable attributes, virtues, skills, habits, or capabilities that enable individuals to live better, more fulfilling, and prosperous lives. Examples include, but are not limited to: gratitude, honesty, humility, kindness, perseverance, responsibility, forgiveness, and empathy. We strongly encourage the identification and study for character strengths, not listed
Deadline: 06/15/2018
Location: Templeton World Charity Foundation