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CSDE Matching Support

Update (March 20, 2025): CSDE is pausing applications at this time as we await additional information on the availability of resources for the coming year.

CSDE Matching Support

CSDE provides offers of in-kind or monetary support to accompany a submission to other on-campus funding mechanisms. We strongly recommend contacting either the Development Core Director (Steven Goodreau) or CSDE Director (Sara Curran) to discuss possibilities for your specific proposal before submitting here.

If you are making a request that is a stand-alone proposal and not linked to another mechanism, please visit our Population Research Planning Grants page.


  • Applicants must be a CSDE affiliate at any UW campus (the project may have any number of additional collaborators who are not UW faculty and/or affiliates).

Research involving human subjects (please read carefully!):

  • All projects involving research with human subjects will need to show evidence of IRB review or exemption status before funds can be disbursed. Information on the IRB process can be found here.
  • You will also be required to complete NIH-specific human subjects forms for CSDE’s NIH progress report, either during or after the completion of the project, depending on the dates of the study period. CSDE staff will share these forms when needed. Most notably, this will include information on the planned and/or actual distribution of research subjects by age, sex, US census race categories, and Hispanic ethnicity. For a preview of this enrollment table, see here.
  • CSDE is not able to fund research involving human subjects outside the United States through this mechanism
  • Note that secondary analysis of data that do not contain any identifiable information relating to individual participants is generally not considered human subjects research. For this to hold, nobody on the study team associated with the project we are funding can have access to identifying information. If this is the case, the project is usually considered to not be human subjects research, and you should indicate as such on the application form. For more information, see Do I Need IRB Review?
  • If the main application does involve human subjects, and the project elements that you are requesting CSDE matching support for do not, please discuss the details with Steve Goodreau ( and/or Sara Curran ( before applying.


  • Applicants must discuss their requests for matching funds with CSDE leadership and/or submit the proposal here at least 10 days before the deadline for the principle funding mechanism. Exceptions will only be made under special circumstances.

Application Process

  • After their discussion with the CSDE leadership about their request, applicants should prepare a letter with all of the proposal details.
  • Complete the brief form at the link below and upload the proposal, a CV/biosketch for the PI (and optionally each participant), and, if available, drafts of proposal materials being submitted to the other mechanism.

Matching Support Application Form (APPLICATIONS PAUSED)