Next Population Science Insights
Demography Student Poster Session & Lightning Talks
Erin Carll, Sociology
Youngjun Choi, Social Work
Lee Fiorio, Geography
Connor Gilroy, Sociology
Chris Hess, Sociology
Yuan Hsiao, Sociology
Yicheng Li, Statistics
Neal Marquez, Sociology
12:30-1:30 PM PT
Come meet CSDE’s graduate students and learn about their cutting-edge research and latest demographic insights. The newest members of UW’s population science community are eager to connect their work across disciplines and to translate their findings for basic and applied research impact.
- Erin Carll, Sociology
Sociodemographic and Housing Market Predictors of Residential Disadvantage for Households with Children
- Youngjun Choi, Social Work
Can Internet Use Buffer Older Adults’ Cognitive Decline? Findings from the Health and Retirement Study
- Lee Fiorio, Geography
Regularities in Mobility Patterns at Different Time Scales
- Connor Gilroy, Sociology
Extending the Demography of Sexuality with Digital Trace Data
- Chris Hess, Sociology
Black Hypersegregation, Neighborhood Compositions, and Zillow Housing Value Trajectories 2000-2016
- Yuan Hsiao, Sociology
Gender Networks of Aggressive and Prosocial Behavior: The Role of Ecological Fallacy
- Yicheng Li, Statistics
Accounting for Smoking in Probabilistic Projections of Life Expectancy
- Neal Marquez, Sociology
Estimating Small Area Changes in Child Mortality Over Time in Mexico