Elective Courses
Listed below are courses that fulfill the CSDE Certificate Program’s elective course requirements. Students may choose from the courses below to fulfill their CSDE certificate elective requirements. For more information about each course, you may see UW’s course catalog or contact the listed professors for a course.
Recommend Electives: Winter 2024
The courses below are being taught by CSDE Faculty Affiliates.
- CSSS 544: Event History Analysis for the Social Sciences (Darryl Holman)
- SOC 590: Special Topics: The Sociology of Social Categories (Sasha Johfre)
- BIOST/EPI 555: Spatial Epidemiology (Jon Wakefield)
- EPI 548/HSERV 548: Research Methods for Social and Contextual Determinants of Health (Anjum Hajat)
- HSERV 544: Maternal and Child Health in Low and Middle Income Countries (Daniel Enquobahrie)
- BIOA 423: Social Networks & Health
- BIOA 450: Biodemography Seminar
- BIOA 455: Reproductive Ecology Laboratory Seminar or Laboratory Methods in Hormones & Behavior
- BIOA 473: Biological Adaptability of Human Populations
- BIOA 482: Human Population Genetics
- BIOA 483: Human Genetics, Disease, and Culture
- BIOA 520: Human Behavioral Ecology
- BIOA 526: Quantitative Methods and Modeling for Biocultural Anthropology
- BIOA 568: Human Reproductive Ecology
- BIOA 569: Behavioral Ecology & Demography
- BIOA 590/CSDE 595: Biomarker Methods in the Social Sciences
- ANTHRO 535: Research in Demography & Population Studies
- BIOST 526/EPI 540/PHARM 526 Bayesian Biostatistics
- BIOST 527/STAT 527: Nonparametric Regression and Classification
- BIOST 529/CS&SS 529/STAT 529: Sample Survey Techniques
- BIOST 531 /EPI 531: Statistical Methods for Analysis with Missing Data
- BIOST 536/EPI 536: Categorical Data Analysis in Epidemiology
- BIOST 537 /EPI 537: Survival Data Analysis in Epidemiology
- BIOST 540: Longitudinal and Multilevel Data Analysis
- BIOST 546: Machine Learning for Biomedical and Public Health Big Data
- BIOST 555/EPI 555/GH 534: Statistical Methods for Spatial Epidemiology
- CSDE 555: Population Metrics in Global Health
- CSDE 595/BIOA 590: Biomarker Methods in the Social Sciences
- ECON 585: Adv. Applied Econometrics
- ECON 587: Applied Microeconometrics
- ECON 591: Microeconomics of Development
- ECON 592: Macroeconomics of Development
- EDLPS 563/PUBPOL 571: Education, the Workforce and Public Policy
- EPI 521/HSERV 542: Epidemiology of Maternal and Child Health Problems
- EPI 531 /BIOST 531: Statistical Methods for Analysis with Missing Data
- EPI 536/BIOST 536: Categorical Data Analysis in Epidemiology
- EPI 537 /BIOST 537 Survival Data Analysis in Epidemiology
- EPI 539/G H 531: Research and Evaluation Methods in Global Health
- EPI 540/BIOST 526/PHARM 526 Bayesian Biostatistics
- EPI 547/HSERV 514: Social Determinants of Population Health and Health Disparities
- EPI 548/HSERV 548: Social Determinants of Health: Research Methods
- EPI 554: Introduction to Epidemic Modeling for Infectious Diseases
- EPI 555/BIOST 555/GH 534: Statistical Methods for Spatial Epidemiology
- GEOG 435: Industrialization and Urbanization in China
- GEOG 505: Spatial Dimensions of Chinese Development
- GEOG 542: Research Seminar: Social and Population Geography
- GEOG 578: Internal Spatial Structure of Cities
- GEOG 580: Medical Geography
- GH 511 Problems in Global Health
- GH 514 Global Societal Determinants of Health
- GH 531/EPI 539: Research and Evaluation Methods in Global Health
- GH 533/CS&SS 527/HSERV 527: Survey Research Methods
- GH 534/BIOST 555/EPI 555: Statistical Methods for Spatial Epidemiology
- GH 544/HSERV 544: Maternal and Child Health in Developing Countries
- GH 545 Child Health in Low and Middle Income Countries
- GH 546 Global Perspectives on Reproductive Health
- HSERV 514/EPI 547: Social Determinants of Population Health and Health Disparities
- HSERV 523: Advanced Health Services Research Methods I: Large Public Databases; Big Data
- HSERV 524: Advanced Health Services Research Methods II: Hierarchical and Incomplete Data
- HSERV 525: Advanced Health Services Research Methods III: Casual Inference Using Observational Data
- HSERV 527/CS&SS 527/G H 533: Survey Research Methods
- HSERV 542/EPI 521: Epidemiology of Maternal and Child Health Problems
- HSERV 544/G H 544: Maternal and Child Health in Developing Countries
- HSERV 548/EPI 548: Social Determinants of Health: Research Methods
- PHARM 526/BIOST 526/EPI 540 Bayesian Biostatistics
- PUBPOL 533 Economics of International Development
- PUBPOL 569: Race and Public Policy
- PUBPOL 570: Foundations of Social Policy
- PUBPOL 571/EDLPS 563 Education, The Workforce, and Public Policy
- PBAF 572: Higher Education and Public Policy
- PUBPOL 576: U.S. Poverty and Anti-Poverty Policy
- PUBPOL 577 Economics of Health Policy
- PUBPOL 579 Child Well-being and Public Policy
- PUBPOL 589 Risk Assessment for Environmental Health Hazards
- SOC W 501: Poverty & Inequality
- SOC W 521: Child & Family Inequalities
- SOC W 526: Social Policy in an Aging Society
- SOC W 558: Gender, Gender Identity, and Sexuality
- SOC W 591: Embodiment of Risk, Health Disparities, and Stress Mechanisms
- SOC WL 577: Promoting Well-Being Among At-Risk Groups
- SOC WL 579: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Prevention Science
- SOC WL 591A: Research to Policy
- SOC 430/530: Urbanization and Urbanism
- SOC 431/531: Fertility and Mortality
- SOC 529/CS&SS 526: Structural Equation Models for the Social Sciences
- SOC 534/CS&SS 554/STAT 554: Statistical Methods for Spatial Data
- SOC 535: Foundations of Population Health and Health Disparities
- SOC 536/CS&SS 536/STAT 536: Analysis of Categorical and Count Data
- SOC 538 (Previously 590): Data Science and Population Processes
- SOC 539: The Social Causes of Spatial Mobility
- SOC 551: Family and Gender Relations
- SOC 560/CS&SS 560/STAT 560: Hierarchical Modeling
- SOC 563/CS&SS 563/STAT 563: Statistical Demography
- SOC 569: Demographic Studies of Stratification
- SOC 583: Special Topics in Demography & Ecology
- SOC 590(Now 538): Data Science and Population Processes
- SOC 590: Oppression and Opportunity: The African American Experience from Jim Crow through the Great Migration
- SOC 590: Sociology of Migration
- STAT 519: Time Series Analysis
- STAT 527/BIOST 527 Nonparametric Regression and Classification
- STAT 529/BIOST 529/CS&SS 529: Sample Survey Techniques
- STAT 536/CS&SS 536/SOC 536: Analysis of Categorical and Count Data
- STAT 554/CS&SS 554/SOC 534: Statistical Methods for Spatial Data
- STAT 560/CS&SS 560/SOC 560: Hierarchical Modeling
- STAT 563/CS&SS 563/SOC 563: Statistical Demography
- STAT 564/CS&SS 564: Bayesian Statistics for the Social Sciences
- STAT 566/CS&SS 566: Causal Modeling
- STAT 567/CS&SS 567: Statistical Analysis of Social Networks
- STAT 593: Statistical Demography
- CS&SS 510: Maximum Likelihood Methods for the Social Sciences
- CS&SS 526/SOC 529: Structural Equation Models for the Social Sciences
- CS&SS 527/G H 533/HSERV 527: Survey Research Methods
- CS&SS 529/BIOST 529/STAT 529: Sample Survey Techniques
- CS&SS 536/SOC 536/STAT 536: Analysis of Categorical and Count Data
- CS&SS 544: Event History Analysis for the Social Sciences
- CS&SS 554/SOC 534/STAT 554: Statistical Methods for Spatial Data
- CS&SS 560/SOC 560/STAT 560: Hierarchical Modeling
- CS&SS 563/SOC 563/STAT 563: Statistical Demography
- CS&SS 564/STAT 564: Bayesian Statistics for the Social Sciences
- CS&SS 566/STAT 566: Causal Modeling
- CS&SS 567/STAT 567: Statistical Analysis of Social Networks
- CS&SS 569: Visualizing Data
- CS&SS 594: Special Topics in Social Science and Statistics
- URBDP 510: Theories and Methodologies of Planning