CSDE Biomarker Working Group
Posted: 11/14/2017 ()
CSDE is organizing a Biomarker Working Group for those interested in using biological data in social and behavioral science research. The aim is to provide a forum for informal discussions of practical and theoretical issues associated with collecting and using biomarker data, and to offer opportunities to discuss early-stage research ideas or present preliminary results.
Our next meeting (Tuesday, November 14, 2 to 3:30 pm, 114 Raitt Hall) will be an informal discussion of logistics and challenges with collecting, processing, storing and transporting biological samples in field research settings.
This working group is open to all students, faculty, and staff and we plan to meet about once a month. Those interested in joining the working group can contact Ellie Brindle (ebrindle@uw.edu) to be added to the email distribution list.