GO-MAP Dissertation Fellowships
Posted: 4/24/2017 (Funding)
Nominations are now open for the 2017-18 GO-MAP Dissertation Fellowships. The GO-MAP Dissertation Fellowship award is intended to assist Ph.D. candidates of color in the final stages of writing and completing their dissertations. The 2017-18 GO-MAP Dissertation Fellowship is a three-quarter award established with support of the Stroum Endowment. Departments may submit no more than one nominee for this award.
The award must be used during the 2017-18 academic year (Fall 2017 through Summer 2018). The choice of the consecutive quarters will be left to the discretion of the graduate student in consultation with their supervisory committee chair.
To be considered for this award, the student must:
- Have passed the General Examination and attained candidate status by the time of nomination.
- Have demonstrated progress on the dissertation that indicates completion by end of Summer 2018 or sooner.
- Be in a tuition-based program; students in fee-based programs are not eligible.
- Not have received another dissertation award from the Graduate School (e.g., Gatzert, Presidential).
Nomination Process
Nominations are due no later than 5 PM, Thursday, May 11, 2017. No late materials will be accepted. Nominations will not be considered unless they are complete and submitted by the deadline.
Nomination Materials Nomination materials should be submitted only by the department as one file in PDF format. Nominations must include the following: 1. A completed nomination cover sheet (see email attachment). 2. A one-page letter of nomination from the GPC or chair of the department. Information about the student’s status and performance in the program or comparison with other recent students would be useful. 3. A one-page statement from the dissertation advisor demonstrating their opinion of: o The significance of the research. o The progress made to date (e.g., data collection, chapter drafts submitted), including the anticipated completion date. 4. A personal statement from the student (not to exceed 2 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman, 1 inch margins) addressing factors such as economic and/or educational disadvantages, overcoming personal adversity, and cultural awareness. 5. A one-page statement of career goals from the student. 6. A one-page timeline of expected dissertation activities in 2017-18. 7. The student’s curriculum vitae. 8. A copy of the student’s current UW transcript. An unofficial copy is sufficient.
Terms of Award
- This is a consecutive three-quarter award.
- The award must be used during the 2017-18 year (Fall 2017 – Summer 2018).
- The student may not receive funding or employment from another source without prior approval from GO-MAP.
- The award provides a stipend of $20,000 for three quarters ($2,222 per month), GAIP insurance, and UW state tuition and fees (excluding UPASS).
- The number of awards will be determined by the caliber of the applications and the amount of funding available.
- International students and students in fee-based programs are not eligible.
Awards will be announced in early June.
Deadline: 05/11/2017