NICHD Clinical Trials FOAs Published
Posted: 1/9/2018 (Funding)
NICHD is pleased to announce that their Clinical Trials FOAs for the next grant cycle have been published, as listed below.
PA-18-480 “NICHD Research Project Grant (R01 – Clinical Trial Required)”
Applicants who wish to conduct research involving a clinical trial in one of NICHD’s priority topics should use this FOA if their research project is not relevant to another active FOA in which NICHD participates. The new “parent” R01 FOA will not allow clinical trials.
PA-18-481 “NICHD Small Grant Program (R03 – Clinical Trial Optional)”
Applicants who wish to seek R03 support from NICHD in one of NICHD’s priority topics should use this FOA if their research project is not relevant to another active FOA in which NICHD participates. This FOA supports both clinical trials and non-trial research. The new “parent” R03 FOA will not allow clinical trials.
PA-18-482 “NICHD Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant (R21 – Clinical Trial Optional)”
Applicants who wish to seek R21 support from NICHD in one of NICHD’s priority topics should use this FOA if their research project is not relevant to another active FOA in which NICHD participates. This FOA supports both clinical trials and non-trial research. PA-18-482 replaces PA-17-259 (the previous NICHD R21 FOA). The new “parent” R21 FOA will not allow clinical trials. Please note that NICHD no longer participates in the “parent” R21 FOA, and NICHD will not accept applications that are submitted to the “parent” R21 FOA
PA-18-343 “Academic Research Enhancement Award (R15 – Clinical Trial Required)”
Applicants who wish to seek R15 (AREA grant) support from NICHD for research involving a clinical trial in one of NICHD’s priority topics should use this FOA if their research project is not relevant to another active FOA in which NICHD participates. This is a joint FOA with NIDCD, NIBIB, and NIMH, and applications must involve a clinical trial in order to be eligible for this FOA. R15 applications for non-trial research may be submitted to the new “parent” R15 FOA which will not allow clinical trials.
As noted in these FOAs:
The NICHD supports research in areas relevant to normal and abnormal human development, including: contraception, fertilization, pregnancy, childbirth, prenatal and postnatal development; childhood development through adolescence; intellectual and developmental disabilities; and rehabilitation medicine.
Research projects considered by funding by NICDH must fall within the scientific missions of the twelve Scientific Branches of the NICHD Division of Extramural Research (DER) or the National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research (NCMRR). Information about those scientific missions and program staff contacts may be found on the web pages for the DER scientific branches at: and the NCMRR at: applicants are strongly encouraged to read these webpages for any updates in response to recent scientific advances or emerging public health topics.
NICHD encourages applications that address its extramural program priorities and will consider how well research projects align with one or more of those priorities when making award decisions. A detailed list of NICHD high priority research areas may be found at