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Postdoctoral Fellowships – Center for Demographic Research

Posted: 10/24/2017 (Employment)

The Centre for demographic research (DEMO) de l’Université catholique de Louvain – Belgium informs you of the launch of the «FSR Post-doc 2018» call for postdoc fellowships by the Université catholique de Louvain. These fellowships – for a period of 24 months – are addressed to researchers who have not stayed or worked in Belgium for more than 12 months over the last 3 years, and with maximum 5 years of postdoctoral experience.

Candidates must also apply in parallel to the Mandates of the F.R.S.-FNRS:

Information on this call and application forms are available at:

The application for a postdoctoral fellowship needs to be supported by the Research Centre in which the applicant intends to work. Interested candidates are invited to follow this procedure:
•    By Monday, November 20, 2017: send a CV (first three pages of the application form) and a preliminary project (1-2 pages). This should be sent by email to
•    Friday, December 8: shortlisted candidates will be informed by the research centre.
•    December 8, 2017 to January 29, 2018: Preparation of the application, with the support of the research centre.
•    January 29, 2018: deadline for submission of applications:

Research in the Centre for Demographic Research is organized around these broad themes:
•    Methods of data collection and data analysis
•    Historical demography
•    Couples formation, fertility, gender, and well-being
•    Ageing and intergenerational relations-
•    Health and Mortality
•    Migrations, urbanisation and spatial redistribution of population
•    Population and environment.

Here are some examples of general themes that can be supported:
•    Longterm urban, demographic and economic transitions: the role of internal and international migrations (P. Bocquier)
•    Child mortality, migration and family composition in Africa: comparative longitudinal analysis (P. Bocquier)
•    Socioeconomic inequalities and celibacy: international comparison of trends in marriage practices (P. Bocquier)
•    International migration during the interwar period (T. Eggerickx)
•    The migration of elderly (T. Eggerickx)
•    Bayesian modelling of mortality trends (B. Masquelier)
•    Mortality and causes of death in low and middle-income countries (B. Masquelier)
•    Social and spatial inequalities in mortality in Belgium (T. Eggerickx, B. Masquelier)
•    Microsimulation in demographic research (B. Masquelier)
•    Family transformations in a gender perspective (E. Rizzi)
•    Ageing and family ties (E. Rizzi)
•     Life course events and well-being (E. Rizzi)
•    International migration and integration in Belgium, with a focus on subSaharan African migrants (B. Schoumaker)
•    Links between policies, legal framework and migration in Belgium (B. Schoumaker)
•    Male fertility (B. Schoumaker)
•    Fertility changes in subSaharan Africa (B. Schoumaker)
Publications and research projects of our Research Centre are described in our activity reports.


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Deadline: 11/20/2017

Location: l’Université catholique de Louvain