Postdoctoral Position in LGBT Policy Studies
Posted: 5/30/2017 (Employment)
The Vanderbilt LGBT Policy Lab seeks a postdoctoral scholar in LGBT Policy Studies (broadly defined). The ideal candidate is an empirical social scientist who has an interest in studying the causes and consequences of LGBT‐related public policies (e.g., same‐sex marriage, non‐discrimination laws, ‘bathroom bills’, religious freedom restoration acts, and others) on a range of social, economic, political, health, education, and demographic outcomes. Experience with programming in advanced statistical packages (e.g., STATA, SAS, and/or R) and handling large datasets is required. A PhD (or equivalent) in anthropology, demography, economics, education, health services research, law/jurisprudence, LGBT studies, political science, public health, public policy, sociology, or a related field is required.
Responsibilities include:
- Carrying out an active research program focusing on LGBT policies and populations.
- Developing a course on LGBT policies and advocacy to be co‐taught with a Vanderbilt faculty member in Spring 2019. [Note there are no teaching requirements in AY 2017‐18 for this position.]
- Coordinating a monthly colloquium series on LGBT policies and populations.
- Coordinating a national academic conference to be held at Vanderbilt in Spring 2019.
- Serving as a liaison to campus and community leaders on LGBT policy topics.
With funding from a Vanderbilt Trans‐Institutional Programs Award (‐institutional‐programs/tipshome.php), the LGBT Policy Lab brings together Vanderbilt experts from multiple units including: economics; education; divinity; health policy; law; medicine; MHS; political science; religious studies; and sociology. The postdoc would work closely with the PI (Kitt Carpenter) and related faculty.
The one‐year fellowship can begin as soon as 7/1/17, with an initial end date of 6/30/2018, and carries the possibility of a one‐year renewal. The position carries a twelve‐month salary of $55,000, a $5,000 research fund, office space, health insurance, and eligibility for other benefits ( This in‐residence position requires a physical presence in Nashville for the term of the fellowship.
Applicants should send a single .pdf that includes a cover letter, CV, writing sample, and the contact information for three references to Kitt Carpenter at: Applications will be reviewed immediately.
Ideally we would secure a candidate to begin on 7/1/2017, but we can allow some flexibility on the start date. Please distribute this call widely to any parties you think might have interest (or know someone who does). Interested parties can contact Kitt Carpenter for more information or with questions about the position. A small committee will do skype interviews with suitable candidates beginning immediately.
Deadline: 06/30/2017
Location: Vanderbilt University